The interactions between the sun and the skin have both beneficial and harmful aspects. While the sun provides important positive effects, there are also serious harmful consequences to consider, particularly from ultraviolet radiation, commonly referred to as UV-A and UV-B. To mitigate these harmful effects, the topical application of sunscreens and the avoidance of extreme sun exposure are widely recognized as the most effective strategies to prevent sunburn and skin edema. Additionally, this approach can efficiently reduce the risk of developing skin cancer.The primary aim of sunscreen products is to minimize the damage caused by sun exposure while maintaining good...
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Research Summary: It is estimated that total sun exposure occurs non-intentionally in three quarters of our lifetimes. Our skin is exposed to the majority of UV radiation during outdoor activities, such as walking, practicing sports, running, hiking, etc., and not when we are intentionally exposed to the sun on the beach. We rarely use sunscreens during those activities, or at least not as much and as regularly as we should, making us commonly prone to acute and chronic sun damage of the skin. The only protection of our skin is endogenous (synthesis of melanin and enzymatic antioxidants) and exogenous (antioxidants,...
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Research Summary: Researchers have identified vitamin E as essential to one’s diet and potentially beneficial for skincare. Vitamin E has been primarily reported to increase photoprotective properties and reduce erythema. However, some studies on scar formation and other effects have been inconclusive. More research under randomized controlled settings should be pursued to better understand the role vitamin E plays in skin health.Vitamin E's increasing photoprotective properties have been shown to benefit anti-aging and skin brightening. As it becomes more popular in cosmetics, the amount of vitamin E present in a product may not always be clear. To address this, scientists...
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Research Summary: World consumers are looking for personal care products that supply multiple benefits with minimal effort. They also expect the latest technological advances to be incorporated into innovative formulations. The trend toward therapeutic cosmetics will lead to a better understanding of modern ingredients and their assessment techniques. To obtain skin care formulations with real consumer-perceivable benefits and to optimize sensory attributes, formulators are resorting to technology that until recently was exclusively used in cosmetic products. Various formulations come under special delivery systems like Vesicular, Particulate systems, and emulsions type, along with their applications, as shown in this article. This...
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