nouvelles-1 — UV

Skin ageing and its treatment

Skin ageing and its treatment

Research Summary: The effects of chronic sun exposure on skin are readily apparent when skin not typically exposed to the sun and skin regularly exposed to the sun are compared. While the sun is not the only aetiological factor in the dynamic process of skin ageing, it is the primary exogenous cause among several internal and environmental elements. Thus, photo-ageing, the main focus of this article, is a subset of extrinsic skin ageing.The influence of the sun in extrinsic skin ageing, as well as its role in potentially altering the normal course of intrinsic (also known as natural or cellular)...

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Retinoids in the treatment of skin aging: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety

Retinoids in the treatment of skin aging: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety

Research Summary:Aging of skin is an intricate biological process consisting of two types. While intrinsic or chronological aging is an inevitable process, photoaging involves the premature aging of skin occurring due to cumulative exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Chronological and photoaging both have clinically differentiable manifestations. Various natural and synthetic retinoids have been explored for the treatment of aging, and many of them have shown histological and clinical improvement. However, most of the studies have been carried out in patients presenting with photoaged skin. Among the retinoids, tretinoin is possibly the most potent and certainly the most widely investigated retinoid for...

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The New Sunscreens among Formulation Strategy, Stability Issues, Changing Norms, Safety and Efficacy Evaluations

The New Sunscreens among Formulation Strategy, Stability Issues, Changing Norms, Safety and Efficacy Evaluations

Research Summary: The sun-and-skin interactions have controversial sides. Besides important beneficial effects, we also need to take into consideration some serious harmful results. In particular, these are connected to the portion of the solar spectrum traditionally identified as ultraviolet type A and B. The topical application of sunscreens (and the avoidance of extreme exposure to sun rays) is worldwide recognized as the best strategy to avoid sunburn and edema. Moreover, such a strategy can efficiently prevent the onset of skin cancer.Therefore, the first aim of sunscreen products is to efficiently minimize all damage from sun exposure, while, at the same...

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